Dardi Munwurro

Referral Form


  1. Read all the program requirements on page 1.
  2. Make sure to complete all the sections on this form.
  3. Make sure you attach copies of all necessary documents
  4. If you have any questions, please contact us before you submit this form.
  5. Email the completed form and all necessary documents to: intake@dardimunwurro.com.au
  6. Referrals will not be accepted unless all the above has been completed.
1800 435 799
24 hours/7 days a week


Dardi Munwurro offers a group-based Healing and Behaviour Change Program for Aboriginal men who use or have been convicted of family violence. Dardi Munwurro’s Healing and Behaviour Change Programs encourage and respectfully challenge men to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions. Our program supports men to take ownership and reconnect by working through three elements – the past, the present and the future, in a culturally safe environment. Men who participate in Dardi Munwurro’s programs work towards:
  • Strong spirit and strong culture
  • Taking responsibility and being accountable
  • Healthy relationships
Dardi Munwurro’s Healing and Behaviour Change Program comprises:
  • A formal intake and assessment process, including the individual’s group readiness.
  • A three or five day healing camp led by facilitators, Elders and traditional owners.
  • Fortnightly group sessions led by experienced and trained facilitators.
  • Ongoing informal connection with Dardi Munwurro.
To be eligible for acceptance into the program, a man must:
  • Identify as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.
  • Be 18 years of age or over.
  • At risk of using or using family violence.
  • Be prepared to enter the Dardi Munwurro community program voluntarily.
Men with pending charges, warrants, family violence intervention orders and other court orders must disclose these and agree to release information to Dardi Munwurro during the intake process.

Referral and Intake Process for Dardi Munwurro Community Programs

  1. Contact the Intake worker on 1800 435 799 to discuss the referral.
  2. Email the completed documents to intake@dardimunwurro.com.au
  3. Attend a Dardi Munwurro men’s group intake and assessment process.

    Identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

    1. Police, corrections, child protection, and court records
    2. Medical history and medications record

    Referrer Details

    Date Referral Made